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الرئيسية / اخبار مصر / The coalition of Egyptian parties celebrates the Police Day and honors the families of the martyrs… Here are the details

The coalition of Egyptian parties celebrates the Police Day and honors the families of the martyrs… Here are the details

Photography : Adel Abd-Allah

The Alliance of Egyptian Parties, with the secretariat of Representative of Senate Tayseer Matar, head of the Irada Generation Party, held a party to celebrate the Police Day, January 25, yesterday evening, in a hotel in Dokki.

The Lady of the Parties, Counselor Dr. Esmat Al-Mirghani, founder and head of the Free Social Party, honored the family of the late Major General Mansour Al-Issawy, former Minister of Interior, Hamdi Abdel-Karim, Major General Manal Atef, and Ahmed Abdel-Razek, the father of the martyr Captain Majid Ahmed Abdel-Razek. She also honored Major General Heba Abu The determination.

The coalition has prepared a document signed by all its members, heads of parties, to dedicate it to Major General Mahmoud Tawfiq, Minister of Interior, in appreciation and gratitude for the role of all Egyptian security services throughout its history and what it has achieved in the era of the new republic led by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

Fifty-two political parties and a delegation from the Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians participated in the celebration of the Political Parties Alliance on the 71st anniversary of the Police Day, which was held under the auspices of Representative Tayseer Matar, head of the Irada Generation Party, the Undersecretary of the Industry Committee in the Senate, and the Secretary General of the Egyptian Parties Alliance.

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