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الرئيسية / مجتمع / The Italian company “Graphite hi-tech” participates for the first time in the second edition of the Nebiu Gold Exhibition..Here are the details

The Italian company “Graphite hi-tech” participates for the first time in the second edition of the Nebiu Gold Exhibition..Here are the details

Today, both Ministers of Trade and Industry, Ahmed Samir, and Minister of Supply, Ali Moselhi, inaugurated the annual exhibition of gold and jewelry, Nebu, the second edition, which is organized by the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade, in cooperation with the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, and includes the largest gathering of gold makers and dealers in Egypt.

Minister of Supply and Internal Trade Ali Al-Mosailhi said that the second international gold exhibition will witness the participation of 50 local exhibitors from the largest Egyptian manufacturers, with an increase of 35% in the number of Egyptian exhibitors over the first session.


The exhibition also witnesses, for the first time, the participation of the Italian giant Graphite hi-tech, the distinguished manufacturer of graphite and tools used in gold smelting and goldsmiths.


It is worth noting that 8,000 local and international visitors are expected to visit the exhibition during its holding period, and more than 100 international buyers from 18 countries of the Arabian Gulf and Africa.


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